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Quality assurance

We make sure that the product is not defective, and reduce customer complaints as well as increase
customer satisfaction.

Quality assurance

We make sure that the product is not defective, and reduce customer complaints as well as increase
customer satisfaction.


Quality Assurance

When a product is provided to a customer, quality assurance refers to the methodical steps used to make sure that it meets the client's contractually and/or otherwise agreed-upon performance, design, dependability, and maintainability expectations. Dminds assists businesses in producing goods and services that satisfy consumer demands and expectations.

Services offered by Dminds

Audit Project Quality

Whether they are newly established or current processes, goods, and systems, Dminds evaluates their effectiveness.

Manual testing

Dminds develops a plan and uses several testing approaches and test design techniques that are tailored to the project's goals.

Performance testing

Dminds performance testing evaluates how well an application performs under a specific workload in terms of stability, speed, scalability, and responsiveness.

Quality Assurance Benefits

Dminds helps companies with product quality, and customer loyalty and helps them establish brand recognition and manage costs.